Alliston Community Christian School

Christian Education
Grounded in an interdenominational Christian faith. Our students are learning to live and love like Jesus!

Formational Learning
Our faith informs how we learn as much as what we learn. Responsive classroom practices, project-based learning, and growth mindsets are all part of what we do!

Outdoor Education
Our learning extends to the outdoors where students enjoy learning with nature. Our 14-acre property includes forest, wetland, field and valleys.
Alliston Community Christian School is an independent Christian school that exists to see each generation grow in Christian wisdom and understanding so that our students learn that they are part of God’s story and that they have participatory roles in building the kingdom of God.
Rooted in the faithfulness of previous generations, Alliston Community Christian School was founded by Christian parents from multiple denominations. Throughout our 40+ year history, ACCS has been firmly committed to teaching children Biblical truth and helping students put faith into action. Alliston Community Christian School remains an interdenominational school – which means that the families who are sending their children to our school have come from more than 15 churches in the Alliston region!
114 Students, 57 Families, and 15+ Churches!
ACCS uses the Ontario Curriculum as a framework for academic expectations but has the freedom to apply Christian discernment to the subject material that is taught. We employ Ontario Certified Teachers and give them the power and authority to adapt their lessons according best teaching practices and pedagogy. We strive to provide an education that prepares students for a future life of service in the kingdom of God. 21st century learning skills prepare students to think critically, collaborate, and be creative. Project-Based Learning provides students with dynamic learning experiences that develop deeper knowledge through real-world challenges and problems. Bible curriculum helps our students to develop knowledge and understanding of God’s redemptive purposes for their lives and helps students examine how they contribute to God’s kingdom.
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Our Cornerstone
“Be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that you might walk worthy of the Lord.” Col. 1:9-10 (NJKV)
ACCS’s mission is based on God’s infallible Word, the Bible; all society members, including teachers, must subscribe to this summary;
God: There is one infinite, holy, loving, personal God who speaks to us in the Scripture and reveals himself to us in His acts of creation, salvation, and renewal, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As finite human beings created in God’s image, we declare that it is our purpose and privilege to worship, honour, serve and obey Him.
Creation: The world belongs to God, who created it and faithfully sustains it by His providence. Creation is the theatre of God’s glory, displaying His power and majesty. God calls us to discover creation’s resources, to receive these gifts with thanksgiving and delight, and to use them wisely as stewards and caretakers who are responsible to God and to our neighbour.
Sin: Our ability to carry out our human calling to honour God, serve our neighbour, and care for the creation is marred by the corrosive effects of sin, which touch every part of life. When our first parents listened to Satan’s lie, questioned God’s word, and rebelled against Him, they brought His judgement upon themselves, their posterity and the creation. Brokenness, disease, hate, arrogance, alienation, abuse of creation, and ultimately death are the inevitable fruits of sin in our world.
Covenant: However, God has not rejected or abandoned His world but has turned to it in love. He gave the rainbow sign to Noah as a pledge of His promise to care for all creatures. He made a covenant with Abraham, promising to be a faithful God to him and his children, and through them bless all nations. Through His servant Moses, God disclosed His law for human community, promising rich blessing as the fruit of obedience. God always keeps His promises. We acknowledge with gratitude and joy that He is our God and the God of our children, that we are His people, and that his is His world.
Redemption: As He promised, God in love sent Jesus Christ into the world to save it from sin and its consequences. The atoning death of the Son of God is the only payment for the debt of human sin, and Christ’s resurrection is the only liberation from the powers of evil and death. The victorious Lord sends the Holy Spirit to create faith, cleanse and renew hearts, and build a community of love and holiness. It is this community’s mission to proclaim and live this good news and to make disciples of nations.
Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and He reigns over all things for our good. To be a citizen of this kingdom is a privilege, a joy and a responsibility. Led by His Spirit, we place out every thought, word and deed in the service of Christ’s present and coming reign, and we live daily in the confident hope of His triumphant return.
All society members, including teachers, must subscribe to the following statements as accurate summaries of the Word of God about Christian education:
Community: The Christian school, as an enterprise of the entire community, enables and equips all of its children to serve the Lord, to love their fellow human beings, and to care for God’s creation. The school community provides an environment of love and care within which students are nurtured. As an indispensable partner with the home and the church, the Christian school leads children to live according to biblical wisdom.
Staff: Staff members of the Christian school, living in joyful fellowship with God, model the love of Christ to children. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and dedicated to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism, Christian teachers view their work as a vocation. The calling of a Christian schoolteacher is to pass on the wisdom of the Christian tradition to students and to help them understand and apply the transforming power of the gospel to contemporary society and culture.
Students: Children are God’s image bearers, entrusted to parents and Christian community as His gifts. The Christian school encourages students to develop their gifts in response to God and in loving service to fellow human beings. Students are led to know God and to respond to Him in every dimension of the creation and in every aspect of their lives.
Curriculum: The Christian school curriculum is developed and organized so that children may come to know God more deeply and richly and live for Him more faithfully. Since human experience in all its rich variety is a good gift from the Creator who remains involved in His world, the Christian school curriculum explores all dimensions of creation. God’s design for creation and His will for human society and culture must be understood and obeyed. This is the way of godly wisdom. Students are taught to recognize the brokenness that sin brings to God’s carefully designed world and are challenged to bring the healing power of Jesus Christ to a fallen world.
For the coming Academic Year we are offering a 25% special bursary for new families. To inquire about our tuition rate please contact us at 705-434-2227 or visit the enrolment page.
We are now accepting applications for the new school year. Please contact the school at (705) 434-2227 to begin the Admission process. Our Principal would be more than happy to meet you, provide a school tour, and introduce you to the application process.
Membership in the Society
A Full Membership is primarily comprised of current parents, former parents, former students and other interested supporters.
A Full Membership in the Society is not required to enroll at ACCS, nor is it automatic upon enrolment of one’s children. However, we encourage all parents who support the mission and vision of the school to consider becoming Society members. Full Membership entitles you to participate and vote in the Spring and Fall General (and some specially called) Business Meetings, at which some of the key decisions about school affairs are made. In addition, Full Society membership is required to become a member of the Board of Directors and to serve on most committees.
The main requirement for joining ACCS is agreement with a statement of faith that encapsulates the Christians Foundations of ACCS. Becoming a member of the Society requires an interview with the Membership Committee (standing committee of the Board). During the first year of enrolment, all parents will be contacted by the Membership Committee and asked if they would consider being interviewed. Prospective members will be asked about their personal faith commitment and practices as a means of determining if they will be able to support, preserve, and promote the faith-based foundation of the Society and of the school. Parents may accept or decline the invitation.
After the interview, the parents will be notified in writing if they have been accepted into membership. There is a membership fee of $50 per member per year for those who do not have children enrolled. The fee for parent members is determined to be part of the tuition. The fee will be receipted for charitable tax deduction purposes. Anyone not becoming a full member will be considered an associate member. An associate member shall promise to support the society in its mission and vision of the school but do not have to be members of a Christian Church.